Of these, SBL follows WH about 48% of the time and the Byzantine text about 44%.' Noting that most people are interested in comparing this SBL GNT with the NA27, WW claims that (after disregarding some insignificant variations) 'there are 232 differences between SBL and NA in the Gospels.WW notes that Holmes has 'some fondness' for the Western text, but there are numerous non-Western readings chosen.So the student is not informed on all important textual variants, but only on those that are covered by the base texts.' It is noting many minutiae, but is omitting many important variants. With regard to the apparatus, WW states that it 'is a stopgap, to produce something better than nothing.He applauds the lack of single bracketed readings.My opinion is that creating a critical text is the crowning achievement of a textual critic's career.' 'It is good to see this new critical text by Mike Holmes.You will want to read Willker's full analysis, but here are some highlights: Wieland Willker (WW), who is active on the BibleWorks forum, has published an 8-page PDF ' Analysis of the SBL GNT in the Gospels.' (I, along with many others, reported on the recently announced and released SBL GNT edited by Michael Holmes here.)